Thursday, February 2, 2012

Storm coming!

Living in Nebraska, one can never predict what the Winter will be like.  Usually is involves some freezing, fluffy white stuff in the air or on the ground!  I love Winter and I LOVE that fluffy white stuff.  But since we moved, this area hasn't seen much of the beloved white stuff!  Last Summer we saw a LOT of rain and flooding.  This Winter has been dry and boring.  No snow.  A dusting maybe 2-3 times.  So, imagine my childlike excitement at the prospect of snow!  Possibly 3 inches.  It's so sad that I am excited about this.  Most of my friends think I am insane.  But I want a MAJOR snowstorm before the Winter is over.  I love how beautiful everything looks when it is covered in a layer of fresh fallen snow!  We will see what tomorrow brings!  I am trying to prepare for the hubby being gone for a week on a business trip.  Not only will I miss my best friend, I am going to miss the help he gives getting the kiddos ready for school and helping in the evenings!  He gets to hop on the company plane and head West.  What a big wig!  Must be nice!  :)  I have to figure out what to do for our oldest girls birthday.  She'll be 7 and I am dreading having ten 7-8 year olds here for her party.   The big thing here is to have birthday parties at the bowling alley.  We may have to try that.  I can't believe how fast the years are flying by.  It seems like E has just grown up so fast.  She has always been such a big girl, such a good big sister.  She is so smart and sweet and funny.  I just love that kid!  I must go play Barbie with Baby A.  She is patiently waiting for me.  Until next time.  God Bless!