Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Monday

Monday.  UGH!  And not just any Monday.  Our first Monday since E has gotten out of school.  It was just preschool, but I am dreading the girls being together 24/7.  They can be best friends and worst enemies.  It will be an interesting Summer.  Our favorite neighbor is moving away, so the girls will be losing a playmate.  I may be hitting the library and pool regularly.  But, don't want to let the housework lag.  I have to find a way to do it all without one thing suffering. 
E had her preschool graduation last week and made us proud.  She sang so well and was a little social butterfly.   Then we went to the zoo with her classmates.  That was so much fun.  We have had dreary, cloudy, rainy weather and it cleared up and was sunny and beautiful the day we went to the zoo.  We couldn't have asked for more.  The girls had a great time.  I must stop procrastinating and need to tend to some laundry.  Hope this finds all well and enjoying the busy month of May!  God bless.
Baby A at the zoo.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Big Sister "reading" to her baby sister.

Sticker book from Grandma in La. for Bub's birthday April 26th.

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I have been so very blessed with a sweet, precious Mother who gives so much of herself and loves with her whole heart.  I have also been blessed with 3 healthy, adorable little girls and in 1999 I was blessed with an amazing Mother-in-Law.  I couldn't ask for more.
    My handsome hubby let me sleep in Sunday and made a delicious breakfast for all of us.  As we were ready to eat the girls sang me a song for Mother's Day.  It was wonderful.  At supper my dear hubby made shrimp.  What a way to finish the day. 

The weather has been cool, cloudy, and rainy.  I made soup last night to warm us up.  I am hoping it warms up and dries up by Friday when we are going to the zoo w/ E's class for her last day of school.  I can't believe our oldest "graduates" from Preschool tonight.  The girls are growing so fast.  Time is flying by so very fast.  I hope this finds all well.  God bless and take care!