Thursday, July 15, 2010

a new day

Today is a new and much better day!  We all slept all night after an early evening rain storm.  Made for a relaxing night.  The kiddos were SO good.  It was the best night I could have hoped for considering I was so tired.  Today has been wonderful.  Bubba went to preschool this morning and a great friend offered to take the 2 big girls while Baby A naps this afternoon so I can get some much needed rest.  I am so lucky!  Thanks Jennifer!!!!!!  My husband got SUPERIOR marks at work so that made for a great end to the day as well.  It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do!!!   Now I feel like I can conquer the mountain of laundry and cleaning that needs to get done.  Along with making a menu/groc. list.  I can't believe I need to be thinking of what to get E for school supplies soon.  Time is flying by WAY too fast!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Got sleep??????

Last night was a night that challenges me.  Baby A has had cold like symptoms for 5 days and last night she was up at 2:30 and did not go back to sleep until 7:00.   Just as I finally got her quiet and back to sleep the other girls woke up all cheery and happy.  E came in our room at 7:15 and said "It's morning time.  Time to get up."  I replied something about not sleeping and needing to lay down a little bit longer and she told me to rest.  She went downstairs and helped her younger sister get on the computer on   I laid there for 10 minutes before guilt set in and I got up to get them fed.  I was fortunate enough to get A into the Dr. this morning and found out she has an ear infection.  Poor babe was in pain.  I feel so bad for her.  So, now she is on meds and I am REALLY hoping for a good nights sleep for us all.  The hubby has had a very hectic and stressful week at work so I am really hoping we all have a relaxing night.  There can be times in ones life that really make you wonder and think.  I am so emotional and stress about so many things.  I really need to work on letting go of my worries and giving them to God.  I feel so very blessed that in general we are all healthy and I have the kind of life I have always wanted.  A wonderful, loving hubby with 3 beautiful, healthy, happy little girls.  I love being able to stay home with them and raise them and be involved in every aspect of thier life.  My family IS my life and I have a wonderful one!!!   These are the crazy rantings of a sleep deprived emotional woman.  Just had to share.  Hope ya'll are surviving the summer.  Heat index of 110 today.  Glad we were able to stay in the A.C. this afternoon!  God bless and cherish the loved ones in your life!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Myself and my best friend, Chris.BBQ at a friends house.The girls playing.
Dad w/ Baby A
We had a wonderful trip back to see my folks and friends.  The girls wore themselves out playing outside in the heat and running through sprinklers.  I was able to see my childhood friend visiting from Ohio and saw all my friends from church.  It was one of the best weekends yet.  Our 2 oldest girls are still with Grandma and will be home tomorrow.  I am missing them something terrible!  The house is very quiet, especially now as our youngest is napping.  I am going to enjoy it though while I can.  It is nice being able to give more attention to baby A and the hubby.  It is kinda nice.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.