Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Parent-Teacher Conferences

I had Parent-Teacher Conferences Monday for the oldest girls.  It went really well.  I am so proud of them.  E has all A's and Bub is doing really well.  Both teachers said the girls are adjusting really well and well behaved.  E soaks stuff up like a sponge and last night she told me she LOVES doing homework and wished she had 100 papers to do.  I am so glad to hear that.  I hope it lasts!  ;)  Bub is a little bit slower on the draw, but once she gets going, she is amazing.  She is one of the youngest in her class, so she is doing a great job keeping up.  I am very happy that Bub has the Teacher she does.  She is a very precious, patient lady that recognizes that Bub needs a little more time and attention to work towards her goals.  With a little more work at home, I think she will have a great year!
     My hubby continues to amaze me with his dedication and knowledge at his job.  He is such an amazing man and I feel so very blessed to be married to him.  He is so patient with me and takes such good care of all of us.  Our lives out West seem to be going very well and we are adjusting to living out in the country.  It is a perfect fit for us and I look forward to living out the rest of our lives here. 
     It is going to be suprisingly HOT here today for the end of September, so I am anxious for a cool down soon.  I am looking forward to visiting my folks and Grandfather this weekend as the girls have a 4 day weekend coming up.  Here's wishing ya'll a safe and fun-filled weekend.  We hope to hit a pumpkin patch, and if we do, I will be sure to post some pictures.  God bless and take care!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just a few pictures

Just another morning in paradise!
Little Stinker sneaking a taste of the veggie bars she helped me make!

How's THAT for a good mroning???!!!!

And another beautiful sunset!

I did NOT know we had cactus out HERE!

Our big 6 year old w/ our adorable companion!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Boring life of a stay at home Mom

So, not much new and exciting to write about here.  My days consist of doing laundry, playing referee between our dog and our 2 year old, cleaning up poo, doing more laundry, making lunch, cleaning up lunch, playing cabbie,  giving baths, reading and putting kiddos to bed.  And once in a while I try to love up on my hubby to make sure he doesn't feel left out of the mix.  Ahhhhh.  And who says I don't have a "job"????  Not that Mothering and having an awesome family is a job, but it keeps me busy.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I LOVE my life!!!!!  So, if something interesting happens,  I'll fill ya in.  But for now, I'm just trying to keep the household moving and on top of all that is going on.  The girls each come home from school with so many papers to look at.  I need to figure out a way to organize all THAT!!!  I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend.  We have no plans other than relaxing and enjoying country life!  I myself am looking forward to cooler weather and all that goes along with FALL!!!!!!  My favorite Season!  I can't wait for cool, crisp evenings sitting outside around a fire pit.  Making a big pot of chili and home made bread and bundling up in a cozy sweatshirt and snuggling w/ the hubby. 
     I'm off to get some shut-eye.  Sweet dreams all!