Thursday, July 15, 2010

a new day

Today is a new and much better day!  We all slept all night after an early evening rain storm.  Made for a relaxing night.  The kiddos were SO good.  It was the best night I could have hoped for considering I was so tired.  Today has been wonderful.  Bubba went to preschool this morning and a great friend offered to take the 2 big girls while Baby A naps this afternoon so I can get some much needed rest.  I am so lucky!  Thanks Jennifer!!!!!!  My husband got SUPERIOR marks at work so that made for a great end to the day as well.  It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do!!!   Now I feel like I can conquer the mountain of laundry and cleaning that needs to get done.  Along with making a menu/groc. list.  I can't believe I need to be thinking of what to get E for school supplies soon.  Time is flying by WAY too fast!

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