I will put up some pictures from Christmas and of the girls in the jammies sent to them from Grandma Beth in Louisiana. They LOVE their new jammies and books from both of thier Grandma's! I have come to realize that Grandma's are really good at spoiling grandkids. The girls are having a fun time during Christmas break. The hubby took them outside to play in all our snow while I cuddled up for a long winters nap. I have been sick for what feels like forever and the hubby really has been a HUGE help with cooking, cleaning, and entertaining 3 energetic little girls. I hope this finds everyone well and ready to start anew with a fresh start to a new year! Happy New Year one and all!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Some Pictures
I will put up some pictures from Christmas and of the girls in the jammies sent to them from Grandma Beth in Louisiana. They LOVE their new jammies and books from both of thier Grandma's! I have come to realize that Grandma's are really good at spoiling grandkids. The girls are having a fun time during Christmas break. The hubby took them outside to play in all our snow while I cuddled up for a long winters nap. I have been sick for what feels like forever and the hubby really has been a HUGE help with cooking, cleaning, and entertaining 3 energetic little girls. I hope this finds everyone well and ready to start anew with a fresh start to a new year! Happy New Year one and all!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Snow's coming
We need to hunker down and get ready. I think we are in for some stormy weather! In a way I hope so, but I feel for all those who will have to travel in it. I love to stay in our cozy house and cuddle up on the couch w/ the girls under a blanket and watch a movie. My hubby is an awesome cook and makes yummy soup.......or just about anything he makes is delish!
Baby A is dealing with a horrible cold. She has crud coming out her nose and eyes. I am hoping she will get better in the next day or so. She is such a trooper. Still acts happy and plays, just not her normal smiley self. The girls and I made a cookies yesterday morning and then a snowman in the afternoon. It's been a fun week so far and it's only Tuesday! Here's wishing everyone a SAFE and very Merry Christmas!!!!!!! God Bless!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas baking
We had a hectic morning baking Christmas cookies for E's teachers. I am anxious to hear if they like them. E is at school now while baby A is taking a nap. Bubba is watching a short video and playing w/ dolls while I try to get Christmas cards out. Time flies when you have a ton to do!!!! Looking forward to Christmas. Only 9 days left. I can't wait to see the excitment on the girls faces! They are sure to be excited and happy Christmas morning. I hope you get to be with loved ones and family this Holiday Season. God bless and don't forget the true meaning of this precious Holiday! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Baby A's 1st birthday
Our baby turns one today! At 7:10 p.m. to be exact. Boy, do I remember what I was going through a year ago! What a difference a year makes. She opened presents and then we ate and then had birthday cake. Time to go put her in the tub. She loves her books from her Grandma in Louisiana and the baby doll from Mom and Dad. Of course, her big sisters enjoyed opening the gifts more than babe did. :)
More pictures to come later.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Our 10th Anniversary!
Today we celebrated our 10th Anniversary. With 3 little ones it was the beginning of just another day. But my hubby took our girls out to run errands so I could get some housework done in peace. When they arrived home, I was greeted with 2 little stuffed animals that our oldest "won" in a machine from the store and a dozen roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband ROCKS! I gotta say it! He does! What a surprise! What a great day! Happy weekend to all.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Very Thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful day enjoying turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade cornbread stuffing, green bean casserole, jello salad and pumpkin pie. It was so good and fun to watch our 11 1/2 month old enjoying her first Thanksgiving dinner. After lunch we put the baby down for a nap and put up our Christmas tree. Our oldest really got into trimming the tree and pretty much did it all herself. As you can tell.......... I will put up a picture. I hope everyone had a blessed day surrounded by loved ones!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I am prepping for our joyous Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. It will be just us 5, but I am excited to spend the day w/ my precious family. I look forward to eating the meal, but more so to just enjoying having my hubby home and I hope we all feel good. We have been going in a vicious circle with being sick and I am ready to be DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very hard to be so joyous when you feel like crap. But, oh well. I am glad in general we are all healthy! And on Friday my dear hubby and I celebrate 10 years of marital bliss. Hard to believe. I hardly remember my life without him in it. He is amazing and I am so blessed to have him. He puts up with a lot from me and I am very thankful he loves me no matter what. Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a full and satisfied tummy!!! :) God Bless!!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Christmas came early!!!
My precious Mother-in-Law sent us our Christmas gifts already. I opened ours early. We now have a beautiful set that matches our kitchen perfectly!!! I don't know how she did it! I can't wait for our first "company" to come eat with us! Bubba found it fun "bathing" in the packing peanuts.
Twelve years ago today I met my hubby on a blind date. My how life keeps you guessing! I never would have imagined how happy I'd be today! What a Southern Gentleman I have. God has blessed me so much. Until next time.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
November.......giving thanks
The girls dressed up like princesses for Halloween. They were so very excited and when they got home, they watched out the front door for trick or treaters while they ate their "loot". E went to a farm for a school field trip and had a lot of fun. Bubba and I went along and we all brought home a pumpkin. It was fun regardless of the sleet and freezing temps!!!!

Once again we are sick. Good grief. It seems we can't be healthy for long. We had a good run for about 2 weeks. Now it is just a bad cold for myself and E. But I am hoping everyone else stays healthy. We have had beautiful Fall weather lately. The girls and I headed outside and walked to the childrens museum and we've walked to church a few times since it is only about 2 blocks away. Pretty nice. And we walk to the library too. Life is never dull in a housefull of toddler girls. My goodness it is all drama all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My poor hubby!!! Other than the constant sniffles and soar throat we are doing really well. Hope this finds everyone well. Take care and think of what you are thankful for this month! I am so thankful for a precious husband and 3 beautiful, healthy, vibrant little girls. God has blessed me so much and I am surrounded by loving family and friends that have enriched my life so very much! Happy Thanksgiving ahead of time! God bless!!!
Once again we are sick. Good grief. It seems we can't be healthy for long. We had a good run for about 2 weeks. Now it is just a bad cold for myself and E. But I am hoping everyone else stays healthy. We have had beautiful Fall weather lately. The girls and I headed outside and walked to the childrens museum and we've walked to church a few times since it is only about 2 blocks away. Pretty nice. And we walk to the library too. Life is never dull in a housefull of toddler girls. My goodness it is all drama all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My poor hubby!!! Other than the constant sniffles and soar throat we are doing really well. Hope this finds everyone well. Take care and think of what you are thankful for this month! I am so thankful for a precious husband and 3 beautiful, healthy, vibrant little girls. God has blessed me so much and I am surrounded by loving family and friends that have enriched my life so very much! Happy Thanksgiving ahead of time! God bless!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
sick days
We have been sick in this house since last Wednesday. Going on one week and a day. It started w/ a fever for baby A. I then had flu symptoms and the girls were lethargic. Then the hubby got it. Fortunately Baby A only had a fever for 2 days and was better. The 2 older girls had fevers off and on for a week and now have terrible coughs. The hubby has a terrible cold and I feel so sorry for him. So, needless to say, I have been washing my hands like crazy every 2 seconds and my best friend is Clorox wipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I turned the heat off and opened windows today to air the place out. Froze out those germs and now it's all cozy in here again. I am ready for a nice relaxing weekend and can't wait to go to church on Sunday. I am really loving our new church here. It is very friendly and I LOVE that my husband feels comfortable there. It makes a huge difference. Other than us all being sick, we are doing great. E is loving school and making friends and swears a little girl there is a boy since she has a really short haircut. "Allison is a boy Mom!!!!!" She tells me. Too funny. Hope this finds all well and ready to enjoy a great weekend!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Another day with cute little girls.....
Bubba had to show her coloring book too! They love to pose!

E showing her talented artwork. She had a lot of fun coloring this morning before school.

Baby A in and adorable outfit given to us from an old roomate. It was very chilly out today.

It has been VERY windy here for about a week. It is doing a number on my allergies. It is my favorite time of year though. I love the crispness in the air. We are all cozy and snug in our warm beds. The girls are adorable drifting off to sleep. E had a touch of the giggles before bed and I found it precious. Life is short and I am trying to remind myself of that when I get too stressed out. I am so blessed with a healthy family and surrounded by family and friends. I hope this finds everyone well. Happy October!!!!!!!!!!
E showing her talented artwork. She had a lot of fun coloring this morning before school.
Baby A in and adorable outfit given to us from an old roomate. It was very chilly out today.
It has been VERY windy here for about a week. It is doing a number on my allergies. It is my favorite time of year though. I love the crispness in the air. We are all cozy and snug in our warm beds. The girls are adorable drifting off to sleep. E had a touch of the giggles before bed and I found it precious. Life is short and I am trying to remind myself of that when I get too stressed out. I am so blessed with a healthy family and surrounded by family and friends. I hope this finds everyone well. Happy October!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First Day of Fall!!!!
The girls and I made some banana bread today and I had to try not to eat the entire loaf!!!!

First Day of Fall and I am loving it! I am getting used to taking E to preschool and trying to get Baby A's nap schedule figured out. Kinda different then the other 2. They were strictly on a schedule and Babe is not. She is such a happy baby though. She finally cut her top 2 teeth and is gumming cheerios. Not much else new on the homefront. I am so excited for cool weather and making soup and going to the pumpkin patch. I LOVE FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Day of Fall and I am loving it! I am getting used to taking E to preschool and trying to get Baby A's nap schedule figured out. Kinda different then the other 2. They were strictly on a schedule and Babe is not. She is such a happy baby though. She finally cut her top 2 teeth and is gumming cheerios. Not much else new on the homefront. I am so excited for cool weather and making soup and going to the pumpkin patch. I LOVE FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Back to School
E started back to preschool this week. She has gone 2 days this week and is enjoying it so far. I am spending a little quality time w/ Bubba and the babe. I can't wait to see how she does throughout the schoolyear. I know once she gets really comfortable we will be having chats with her Teacher I am sure about her "bossy" tendencies! I am anxiously looking forward to the Fall and all that goes along with it! Good bye for now and God Bless!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Baking with the girls
I decided we need to use up the pears on our tree before they go to waste. So, the girls went outside and picked a big bowl full of pears for me. We got out my handy dandy apple peeler/corer/slicer from Pampered Chef and went to town. The girls feel SO big helping me cook/bake. We made Pear Pie and banana bread. The bread turned out quite tasty. I had to use applesauce in it instead of oil because my precious hubby used all of our oil and I did not know.
The pie is cooling and we will have some for dessert tonight. Can't wait. I am looking forward to Fall and soup and a big pot of chili!!!! Hope this finds everyone enjoying the last few days of Summer. Many children have headed back to school and our oldest starts preschool on Monday. I am looking forward to it for her sake and my own! God bless. Let your loved ones know how much they mean to you. Life is too short to hold grudges. Live for the moment!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Photos taken by my old roomate
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Witts latest
E feeding Baby A. Such a big helper!!!We are having a "cool" day today. It is now in the upper '70's. It has been a beautiful day. My hubby took the older girls to play at the park while I napped with Baby A. I am looking forward to Fall. It is my favorite Season!!! I love the crispness of the air and wearing sweatshirts. Walking in the crunching leaves and smelling wood burning in a nearby fireplace. Drinking hot chocolate and making soup. I can't WAIT FOR FALL!!!!!!!!!!! The girls are doing well. Baby A started crawling and is now all over the house. E starts preschool in a week. I can't believe it. Our babies are growing so fast. Bubba is amusing as ever and I find myself smiling more and more at our precious girls. Before we know it, they will be going off to College and I will be crying my eyes out. Hope this finds everyone well and we wish you well. God Bless!
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Children's Museum
My awesome hubby took half a day off yesterday and we drove 45 minutes to the State Capitol to go to the Childrens Museum. The girls had so much fun. We did too and hope to go again. We painted the girls faces and they played on stage and crawled through gopher holes and played with water and played in a shadow room. It was a lot of fun!!!! Today is very hot and we are relaxing inside playing princesses. The joys of having little girls!!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Zoo trip
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Visit from Grandma Beth
We had a great visit from my hubby's Mom. She came all the way from Louisiana and stayed with us for 4 days. We found a beautiful antique dresser and she bought it for Bubba. A few years ago she bought an antique dresser for E. They are so beautiful. They look gorgeous in our old house. They fit right in. After an unplanned delay leaving Nebraska, "Grandma Beth" made it home okay and we are very grateful she made it home safe and sound. While she was here my folks came to visit as well. We all had a great time visiting and the weather was beautiful.
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