Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am prepping for our joyous Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. It will be just us 5, but I am excited to spend the day w/ my precious family. I look forward to eating the meal, but more so to just enjoying having my hubby home and I hope we all feel good. We have been going in a vicious circle with being sick and I am ready to be DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very hard to be so joyous when you feel like crap. But, oh well. I am glad in general we are all healthy! And on Friday my dear hubby and I celebrate 10 years of marital bliss. Hard to believe. I hardly remember my life without him in it. He is amazing and I am so blessed to have him. He puts up with a lot from me and I am very thankful he loves me no matter what. Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a full and satisfied tummy!!! :) God Bless!!!!

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