Thursday, October 15, 2009

sick days

We have been sick in this house since last Wednesday. Going on one week and a day. It started w/ a fever for baby A. I then had flu symptoms and the girls were lethargic. Then the hubby got it. Fortunately Baby A only had a fever for 2 days and was better. The 2 older girls had fevers off and on for a week and now have terrible coughs. The hubby has a terrible cold and I feel so sorry for him. So, needless to say, I have been washing my hands like crazy every 2 seconds and my best friend is Clorox wipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I turned the heat off and opened windows today to air the place out. Froze out those germs and now it's all cozy in here again. I am ready for a nice relaxing weekend and can't wait to go to church on Sunday. I am really loving our new church here. It is very friendly and I LOVE that my husband feels comfortable there. It makes a huge difference. Other than us all being sick, we are doing great. E is loving school and making friends and swears a little girl there is a boy since she has a really short haircut. "Allison is a boy Mom!!!!!" She tells me. Too funny. Hope this finds all well and ready to enjoy a great weekend!

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