For some strange reason I realized I have not posted for 6 months. I imagine it may have something to do with that horrible website, Pinterest or the fact that I have 3 little girls that need tending to, or a Husband that travels and when he is home, I like to give him every moment of my attention. Or it could be the mountains of laundry and filthy housework that have kept my attention. Whatever the reason, I shall try to update more often. That being said, it IS Summer and the lake beckons my name every sunny, hot day. School is out and Summer break is off to a fun start. The girls have already been to Vacation Bible School and had a fun play date at the lake with friends and been to Grandma's house. We have Birthday parties to attend and a fun, short family trip for the Hubby's work. We have had exciting weather that keeps us on our toes. We are praying for everyone living near the Colorado fires and pray for safety and for the fires to die out.
The girls and I had fun last week as groups of riders on BRAN (Bicycle Ride Across Nebraska) rode their bikes right by our house. We ran out and set up a spot to hand out water and bananas to the riders. They were very thankful as they were riding against the wind and the day was heating up to near 90 degrees. They had a lovely view of the lake though and from what we heard, the week went well with just one night of rain.
My awesome Hubby just returned from a quick trip for work and while flying home in his company plane was able to ride in the Co-Pilot seat. Poor thing. His job is just so tedious and boring! (Insert sarcasm!) :)
I am looking for any great devotional books for myself and for the girls. Being a Mom, trying to raise kind, obedient, gracious, giving, girls proves to be very challenging and has given me more wrinkles and gray hairs then I desire, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am chosing to love every single minute because from what I hear it just gets harder, AND time goes by way to fast.
Over and out for now. God Bless and be kind to one another.
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