Friday, June 22, 2012

Vacation Down South!

We are settling in back at home after our 10 day trip to Louisiana and Texas to visit my Hubby's family.  What a wonderful trip it was!  The girls were wonderful traveling for 4 days in the car.  They had to adjust to the heat and humidity in Louisiana though!  We had a very fun day riding on a friends boat.  He took us out on the Red River and the girls actually rode a tube with their Dad and had SO much fun!  After the fun times at G-ma Beth's and Grandad's house, we drove to Texas and visited with my Sister-in-law and her family.  The girls are STILL talking about playing with their cousins and want to go back right now!  It is an entirely different lifestyle in the South.  I love the food, love the accents and love the "big cities".  At least to visit.  I can't handle living in big cities anymore.  This gal has small town in her blood!  Thank you so much to my wonderful Mother and Father-in-law for letting our rambunxious family of 5 stay with you!  We are constantly on the go!  And thanks to my Sister-in-law for your hospitality!  We had such a WONDERFUL time and hope to visit again next Summer!  I even tried fish tacos and crawfish for the first time!  I LOVED the tacos.  The crawfish was okay.  Too much work and not enough food for me!  ;)  

Grandma Beth reading to A.

The girls at Grandma Beth's house.

Family pic in the sunroom.  My favorite room!!!

Two of our girls with one of their cousins.

My awesome Sister-in-law and myself.  We had so much fun!

    Now that we are home, the weather is going to get up to 109 for us tomorrow.  Can't believe we are getting that hot here!  I think we went South at just the right time.  It was hot, but not unbearably hot.  I must go and finish laundry and cleaning.  I will post the few pictures that we have compliments of my Mother-in-law.  I forgot my camera and am very thankful a few pictures were taken!  Happy Summer ya'll!!!!  ;)

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