Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday travels

Christmas is just around the corner and I have so much shopping to do I can't wrap my brain around it!  We are seriously hoping the weather stays nice enough for us to make the 17 hour trip to Louisiana.  I am dreading the trip and extremely excited about it at the same time.  I look forward to having a great Holiday with my hubby's family and hope the girls enjoy themselves.  It is such a magical time of year to me.  I love all of the festivities and the family time.  And nothing is more exciting than going down South!  This week the girls have their Christmas program for school.  They have been practicing for quite a while and I can't wait to see them perform.  E is quite the little singer.  She is so very talented and has even taken to playing drums like her Daddy.  Baby A turned 3 last week and it's hard to believe how big our baby is getting.  Time flies by way too fast.  Praying everyone has a safe Holiday Season and that we don't lose sight of the reason for the celebration!!!  God bless and Merry CHRISTmas!!!!

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