Yesterday and last night was so much fun! The girls had parties at school and were able to wear their costumes. E was a princess, Bub was "Daphne" from Scooby Doo, and A was Tinkerbell. After school they had a parade and Trick or Treating downtown. It was a MOB! I have never seen so many Trick or Treaters together like that! It was very well organized though. After the parade, the girls school had a carnival. The girls played games, ate, bounced in a bouncy castle, ate, chatted w/ friends and ate some more! The only negative thing was that the hubby was sick and unable to join in on the festivities. All in all though, it was a fantastic night! Now, it is finally November! My favorite month! I LOVE FALL!!!!!!!! And snow is in the forcast for tonight. 3-5 inches. I am not expecting much. But, before the hubby headed out of town he helped me start up the snowblower so I can be prepared! Happy Fall ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!