Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I have been so very blessed with a sweet, precious Mother who gives so much of herself and loves with her whole heart.  I have also been blessed with 3 healthy, adorable little girls and in 1999 I was blessed with an amazing Mother-in-Law.  I couldn't ask for more.
    My handsome hubby let me sleep in Sunday and made a delicious breakfast for all of us.  As we were ready to eat the girls sang me a song for Mother's Day.  It was wonderful.  At supper my dear hubby made shrimp.  What a way to finish the day. 

The weather has been cool, cloudy, and rainy.  I made soup last night to warm us up.  I am hoping it warms up and dries up by Friday when we are going to the zoo w/ E's class for her last day of school.  I can't believe our oldest "graduates" from Preschool tonight.  The girls are growing so fast.  Time is flying by so very fast.  I hope this finds all well.  God bless and take care!

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