Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day

I am looking forward to the next few days. Valentines Day (I am a HUGE romantic at heart) and E's 5th Birthday. Not to mention a visit from my beautiful Mother. I feel so blessed to have such a precious family. The weather is actually warming up a bit here and much of the ice/snow is melting. But, we have so much snow, we will still have plenty left. My in-laws even got snow in Tx. and La. CRAZY!!!! E is at her school valentine party, Baby A is napping and Bubba is resting. We are fighting colds and coughs in this house yet again. Seems to be the norm every few months. Not much new here, looking forward to having my hubby home over the weekend and just having some great family time together. I love what my Mother-in-law told me. Focus on making good memories. That has really hit me. I want my children to have GREAT memories and remember me being a fun Mom, not stressed about so much. Life is too short. Thanks Mom B.!!!!! I need to go make a menu/grocery list. THAT is something I dread!!!!!!!! Happy Valentines Day to you all. Don't forget to love your honey!!!!!!!!!!!!

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