Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Days
Man, has July flown by. We had a lot of birthdays and celebrations this month. The hubby's b-day was the 9th. My Dad's b-day was the 25th, mine was the 27th and today is Mom and Dad's 43rd Anniversary. My Aunt and Uncle just left to head back home to Michigan. Sure was fun visiting with them and hopefully next summer we can make it up there. We'll see. Traveling with a 3 yr old, 4 yr. old and 6 month old may be too much to handle. All is well here. Just staying indoors to avoid the humidity. Please say a prayer for Baby W to come safely. There are some questions about being exposed to 5ths Disease. We are awaiting test results. Hopefully all is well. Gotta run, I am being invaded by toddlers.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
trying times
I am having trying times I suppose. It seems I go through a day where I just feel like I don't do any good to or for anyone. What is God's purpose for my life? I feel like most of the time I live for my kids and nothing else. I want nothing more than for them to grow up secure, smart, determined and unbending in a strong faith in God. I want them to look back on their childhood with fond memories and to know that they are and were loved in every thing I did. I don't want them to think their Mom was a raging, crabby lunatic. That is how I feel lately. Hormones? I always say I wouldn't have kids if not for their father. So I have to make sure to make time for him and devote myself to him as I do my kids, even more so. He is a remarkable man and I am blessed to have him. But my children NEED me like he doesn't. So, They seem more important? It's tough. Just thinking on the computer I guess. God has blessed me in so many ways. Much more than I deserve. I feel so incredibly fortunate and blessed. It is easy to get wrapped in life's struggles I suppose. I love my girls so much and am so happy to be able to stay home with them. I don't know how Mom's go to work. I have the utmost respect for Mom's out there working. Man, are they strong!!!!!!!!!!!! Must run for now and tuck my punkies in to bed. Love your children and let them know it!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Full summer mode
well, we have been playing outside and going places. We are in full summer mode. It is finally getting hot, hot, hot. It was nice to have mild weather a while. I hate the heat and humidity. I would never make it living in the South. All is well here. I am at 19 weeks and hardly feel preggers. The belly is protruding nicely though. I still forget sometimes that I have a little bun in the oven. It is hard to wrap my brain around it. It was so unexpected. We are excited and can't wait though. We painted the baby's room leaf green 2 weekends ago. It reminds me of Mint Chip ice cream. I love it. If we have a boy, I will accent with my fave color, brown. If a girl, we already have bedding and all that is green and pink. It's all set. Gotta run for now. Hope this finds all having a fun summer.
vacation pics

Here is Bubba Cate with the hubby on a friends boat in Louisiana. The girls had so much fun and I got totally fried. I think I had third degree burns. It was fun though and we miss it.
Monday, July 7, 2008
4th of July
Well, we had a very busy and fun weekend. We went to a bbq/birthday party for my friend's twins. It was fun and had beautiful weather. We lit fireworks and wore the kids out!!!! It is always so much fun to be around friends. On the 5th we went to the Big Bang Boom fireworks at the lake. It was packed. We went early, very early for the girls to enjoy rides, food and fun. They loved it. Bubba was scared at first but warmed up to all the fireworks eventually. It seems to get better every year. It's hard to think someday we'll be taking 3 little ones to it. All is well here. It is a dear friends birthday today. She is far away and I hope she knows I am thinking of her. It is very muggy today and I am very thankful for air conditioning. Hope this finds all well. Until next time.
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