We now have the first full week of school under our belts. A starts preschool after Labor Day. E is in 3rd Grade with a new Teacher this year and Bub is in 2nd grade with a new Teacher as well. Both of the girls are loving it so far. I wish this would last all year long. One day my oldest was even up at 6:15, dressed and ready to go. And this is the child that LOVES sleep!!!! The Hubby was out of town working all last week and I handled everythink back in full swing. Now, I just need to learn how to make myself go to sleep before 11:00 again! The weather here has been mild up until the week school started. Now it is in the upper 90's every day. I am a mild weather gal, so I am anxious for Fall weather to arrive!
My awesome Husband made up a batch of fried okra fresh from our garden followed up by some fried green tomatoes. We have a bunch of green tomatoes. It is taking them forever to turn red! And of course we have zucchini coming out of our ears. I made bread the other day which the girls have pretty much finished off. We are all doing well and keep our loved ones in our thoughts and prayers. We feel very blessed to be healthy, happy and surrounded by great friends and family. God Bless and remember, you never know what a person is struggling with. Be kind to one another!!!!!
Our oldest in her new glasses. I had to get glasses when I was 8 too! |
Our Bub at a Birthday Party held at a beauty parlor. All of the other girls had their hair curled. Our curly haired girl had hers straightened! Looks cute!! |
I am going through some old photos from a few months ago and realized I was not able to upload them to my old computer. So I will post a few old photos now in hopes that I did not post them already!
Our silly Little "A" at the zoo! |
Pancakes I made for the 4th of July |
I LOVE this photo! The girls reading with my Dad on a visit home. So precious! |
Visiting home. I was able to see my lifelong B.F.F.!!!! |
The girls handing out water and bananas to the bicycle riders in BRAN. (Bicycle Ride Across Nebraska).
They rode right by our house! It was fun to watch! |
At a friends house during a Tornado Warning. We were happy nothing came of it! |
Reading Grandma's Bible. |
Sunset in the country. |
The girls with my Grandfather on Easter. |
The beautiful locket from my Mother in Law and Husband! I cherish it! |