I have been sidetracked lately. Sorry for my lack of updates. I am trying to prepare for a fun Thanksgiving dinner this year. My folks won't be able to make it until we eat, so I want to be very prepared so I am not running around like a TURKEY with my head cut off. ;)
I printed out some fun activities to keep the girls busy while the Hubby and I cook. Hopefully some maze placemats and coloring pages will help! This is by far, my favorite time of year! I am looking forward to Thursday so very much! I my attempt mashed potatoes in the crockpot this year. We shall see how they turn out. I have gotten a lot of ideas from Pinterest and The Food Network shows this year! I hope my Mom and I can do some Christmas baking on Friday. I am having a candle party/Holiday cookie exchange on the 15 and can't wait. It doesn't take much to make me happy does it? I will try to post a few pictures showing why I have been so busy. Our school had a Fall Carnival on Halloween and I was basically living at school that entire week. It was a lot of fun though!
I pray ya'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by lots of yummy food and loved ones. God Bless and remember how much you have to be thankful for!!! I have been posting everyday on Facebook what I am thankful for. Most important is my precious Savior. Followed closely by my sweet Husband and adorable children and wonderful Parents and In-laws. I am blessed with some amazing friends and family, and we are very thankful that we are all healthy and living where we are. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
The girls class. 1st and 2nd Grade. One is on the far left in front and the other is on the far right in back. |
Sunset in the Midwest. LOVE it!
Batgirl and Kitty Softpaws from the movie "Puss in Boots". |
Just a little bit of my hardwork. |
Everyone was excited to watch the Pie eating contest this year!
The girls Teacher participated and was cheered for VERY loudly! |
Ten seconds left! I missed out who won since I was manning a game booth! |
Homemade Chicken pot pie. The girls gobbled it up! |
Our "Thankful Tree"
The girls playing w/ Grandma F. |
The girls helped me color an activity for them to do on Thanksgiving day. Word family turkeys! |
Our President and Treasurer of the PTL. "Daphne, and Velma" from Scooby Doo. All dressed up for Halloween at our Fall Carnival at school.